Monday, March 2, 2009

Dinks and Minks

We are starting a new Home TEAM on April 10th for couples (Married or seriously dating) with no kids, thus the name Dinks(Dual Income No Kids) and Minks (Mono Income No Kids). The group will help couples who don't have kids yet get together with others who won't be discussing Juniors diaper rash. (Parents, this is not a slam on you, just a reality that those without kids think differently about some issues than those with kids.) This new Friday night group will meet at Burl and Casper's house in Pickens. E-mail to Burl for more information or call 878-9379. Hope to see you there!


  1. I thought the group would meets the needs of "One Income No Kids" too. Oh, wait, that would be OINKs. Never mind. You might wanna stay with the Mono - OR try SINKS - Single Income No Kids.

  2. Somehow, I think OINKS would turn some people off...not sure why, but something inside me says it would.
