Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Blessed Life: God Rewards Good Stewardship

What is something you absolutely love doing?
If you could do anything in the world, and money was no object, what would it be?

READ 1 Corinthians 3:8 & Hebrews 11:6
We see in these verses that God has given us natural talents and he also gives us spiritual gifts. He rewards those who seek Him. The gifts He gives us are for use in growing His kingdom. What are some of the natural abilities and spiritual gifts that God has given you? Are you using them for His kingdom? Have you ever noticed that poor stewardship can hinder our ability to use our gifts and talents for God? We know that God uses imperfect people all the time to advance His purposes, but can you think of an example from the Old or New Testament in which God uses someone who is financially irresponsible?
Each of us has different talents, but we are responsible for laboring in the area of ministry that God has given us. Look at 1 Corinthians 3:8 again. “Each is rewarded according to his own labor.” Notice that no one is rewarded for the talent God gave them; they are rewarded for what they do with that talent. We must be responsible with what God has given us.


1. Is it possible to be financially irresponsible in our giving to God?
2. Does today’s lesson change your views of good stewardship any?
3. Are you earnestly seeking God?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Blessed Life: The Gift of Giving

How do you respond when you feel like people are taking advantage of you? Have you ever known someone who seemed to have a gift of giving?

READ Romans 12:6-8
Verse 8 talks about people who have the gift of giving generously. Do you think this gift of giving is only talking about financial gifts or is it broader than that? Each of the gifts mentioned are things that we can do well and as unto God. Whether your gift is prophesying, serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leading, or showing mercy…we are called to use our gifts. In this series on “The Blessed Life” we are mostly focusing on scripture as it relates to money and blessings. How could each of these areas of gifting be a blessing to both the giver and the receiver? Sometimes we are tempted to see some areas of gifting as “more spiritual” than other areas. God wants us to work in the gifts He has enabled us with and not covet the gifts of others. Those who have a gift of giving are not always rich. Many are middle class or poor, but have a way of knowing when others are in need and have a passion to help them. If God is laying on your heart to help others through giving, it can be a rewarding experience when you obediently follow his plan.


1. Who is the most giving person you know?
2. Would you want your children to have the gift of giving?
3. What gifts to you feel that you have?

Monday, May 11, 2009


Michael McKinney, author of a blog called "Leading Blog: Building a Community of Leaders" recently wrote:
"Earlier in my career I was an executive recruiter, and what always
struck me is just how lonely these men and women were. Not Tom Hanks
on a desert island lonely – these people were surrounded by people
clamoring for their attention. Rather, they were lonely in the sense
that they rarely if ever could find a safe place to collaborate with
peers around real problems."
Doesn't that sound like a lot of people in our community? It isn't only powerful executives who are lonely in the midst of many people. Look around you. People are lonely! If your Home TEAM is a friendly place where people are getting to know each other in great Christian community, then invite others to join with you! Lots of lonely people would love a place where they can get together and have a safe environment in which to share their dreams, triumphs, failures and shortcomings. A place where they can grow together with others and in their relationship with Jesus Christ!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Blessed Life: Do the Right Thing

What is most valuable to you and where is it?

READ Matthew 6:21
“For where your Treasure is, there your heart will be also.” This simple verse only has eleven words, but the truth behind those words is astounding! It is often said that the last things a person relinquishes control of when they give their lives to the Lord is the tongue and the wallet/purse. This week, we are talking about attitude. When God asks us to be obedient is that hard to do? When our attitude is right, we will instantly obey the promptings and commands of God. In marriage counseling, couples are often told to act like they love each other, trusting that the true feelings will eventually follow. Can we use this same advice toward use of our treasure? If we begin to put our treasure where God wants us to, won’t our heart soon follow?
We store up treasure in heaven through the work we do here on Earth. Once we have died, it is to late to give to the poor, help a neighbor, pay a tithe, say a kind word, give a hungry person some food…We must take care of our treasure while we are here on earth. The question we ask is, what is our treasure?


1. Can you give an example when God tested your obedience? What was the outcome?
2. Have you ever considered the idea of being “financially obedient”?
3. How can we make sure our heart is in the right place?