How do you respond when you feel like people are taking advantage of you? Have you ever known someone who seemed to have a gift of giving?
READ Romans 12:6-8
Verse 8 talks about people who have the gift of giving generously. Do you think this gift of giving is only talking about financial gifts or is it broader than that? Each of the gifts mentioned are things that we can do well and as unto God. Whether your gift is prophesying, serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leading, or showing mercy…we are called to use our gifts. In this series on “The Blessed Life” we are mostly focusing on scripture as it relates to money and blessings. How could each of these areas of gifting be a blessing to both the giver and the receiver? Sometimes we are tempted to see some areas of gifting as “more spiritual” than other areas. God wants us to work in the gifts He has enabled us with and not covet the gifts of others. Those who have a gift of giving are not always rich. Many are middle class or poor, but have a way of knowing when others are in need and have a passion to help them. If God is laying on your heart to help others through giving, it can be a rewarding experience when you obediently follow his plan.
1. Who is the most giving person you know?
2. Would you want your children to have the gift of giving?
3. What gifts to you feel that you have?
FW: Burl Walker
11 years ago
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