Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Blessed Life - Lesson 2

Dear Home TEAM Leader,

I know that most of you haven't taught the first lesson in this series yet, but I am heading to Honduras on a mission trip with a great bunch of students from North Greenville University, so I am going to go ahead and send this before I forget. We have a two new Home TEAMs starting up! Jeff and Jennifer Fletcher are starting the Smoothie group for blended families, so if you know people in our church who fit that group and who aren't already involved in one, make an effort to introduce them to Jeff or Jennifer. Casper and I are starting a new group called DINKS & MINKS (Dual Income No Kids) & (Mono Income No Kids). We are really looking forward to working with that group! Thanks to all of you who are leading our Home TEAMs, 5 Point Fellowship couldn't do it without you!

How do you view money? Do you see it as a test from God?

READ Exodus 13:12-13
In our culture we have a saying: Time is Money. Do you agree that the firstfruits principle of giving the first and best of everything to God should be applied to both our time and our money? Give an example of how applying that principle would change how you use your time and money.
We should be giving to God first, before we see if we are going to have enough. This is a tough principle, but God continually challenges us to do so. Just like the Israelites who had to redeem or sacrifice the first born animals, not knowing for sure if the they would get a second born, we are called to give God the first of everything. Proverbs 3:9 tells us to honor the LORD with our possessions. The experience of centuries of Christians who tithe tells us that it is impossible to out give God! He will always take care of our needs if we put him first. Satan uses fear to keep us from being faithful with our time and especially our finances.

1. What can you do when Satan attacks you with fear about tithing?
2. We often talk about having accountability partners, should we have them for tithing?
3. Other than tithes and offerings in church, what are some other ways we can honor God with our possessions?

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