Monday, July 20, 2009

Acts 3 Miracles- R -Us

Have you ever seen a very real miracle – Something that can only be explained by admitting that something supernatural has occurred?

READ Acts Chapter 3
One big thing to notice in this chapter is that after the miracle, God used Peter and John to talk to the people there about Jesus! God doesn’t do miracles just to impress people. He does them to draw people to Him! God did amazing things in the first century, and He continues to do amazing things in this century! Note that it was Peter’s faith, not the faith of the man being healed that was in play when God healed the crippled beggar. (vs. 6) Not only was the man’s useless physical body redeemed, restored and healed completely, but it also opened up the opportunity for Peter to redeem many others from spiritual uselessness through the power of Jesus Christ! He calls on the people to repent! Vs. 19 – “Repent then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” The beginning of Chapter 4 (vs 4) lets us know that a few more thousand people got saved!
Also notice that Peter was talking to his audience. The people he was speaking to were Jews, so he used many scriptures from the Old Testament which that audience would know well. To preach the same sermon in modern day South Carolina might not have the same affect. The message of Jesus doesn’t change, but the method of conveying that message must change to reach a new audience. Peter knew this and we see the results!

1. How do miracles affect the church in this century?
2. Are you ready for thousands of people to get saved and radically changed for the Lord?
3. How do we get ready?

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