Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Blessed Life: Guaranteed Financial Results

This is the last lesson in our series on “The Blessed Life”. So we warm up with the question:
Why do we give?

READ John 2:5
The context of this verse is the miracle of Jesus turning water into wine. His mother tells the servants to do whatever Jesus tells them to do. As soon as we hear God telling us to do something, we should do it! When we give just to give, then God works through our gifts. Remember though, the trap that Satan wants us to fall into is worshiping the blessings rather than the Blessor. When we come to the Lord with a heart to simply Give to Him rather than worrying about what we will receive, the Lord chooses to bless us in great ways! What are some ways that you and your family have been richly blessed by God?

1. Why is God searching for hearts that are completely His?
2. How can you keep from seeking after the blessings that come from God’s hand rather than seeking God’s face?
3. What do I identify as the key to guaranteed financial results?

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